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На форуме: 21 г 145 д
(с 14/05/2003)

Тем: 535
Сообщений: 11104
Флеймы: 4633 (42%)

Всего отчетов: 9
Москва и область: 8
Массаж: 1

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Re: А че в купи-продай спрашиваете? [ #294053 ]
      02/08/2005 15:45:13


Article 3. Spheres of the Use of the State Language of the Russian Federation

1. The state language of the Russian Federation shall be subject to obligatory use:

1) in the activity of the federal bodies of state power, the bodies of state power of the entities of the Russian Federation, other state bodies, bodies of local self-government, organisations of all forms of ownership, including in the activity in the conduct of office work;

2) in the names of the federal bodies of state power, the bodies of state power of the entities of the Russian Federation, other state bodies, the bodies of local self-government, and organisations of all forms of ownership;

3) in the preparation and conduct of elections and referendums;

4) in the constitutional, civil, criminal and administrative court proceedings, in the proceedings of the arbitration courts, in the record keeping in the federal courts, in the proceedings and record keeping with justices of peace and in other courts of the entities of the Russian Federation;

5) in the official publication of international treaties of the Russian Federation and also laws and other normative legal acts;

6) in the relations of the federal bodies of state power, the bodies of state power of the entities of the Russian Federation, other state bodies, the bodies of local self-government, organisations of all forms of ownership and citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons and social associations;

7) in the writing of the names of geographic objects and in the putting of inscriptions on road signs;

8) in the drawing up of identity cards of a citizen of the Russian Federation, except for cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in the manufacture of forms of certificates on the state registration of acts of the civil status, in the drawing up of documents on education issued by educational institutions having the state accreditation, and also of other documents whose drawing up, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is to be carried out in the state language of the Russian Federation, and in the drawing up of the addresses of the senders and recipients of telegrams and items of mail sent within the borders of the Russian Federation and of postal transfers of monetary funds;

9) in the activity of all-Russian, regional and municipal organisations of television and radio broadcasting, editorial boards of all-Russian, regional and municipal print periodicals, except for the activity of organisations of television and radio broadcasting and editorial boards of print periodicals established specially for carrying out television and/or radio broadcasting or for publishing print products in the state languages of the constituent republics of the Russian Federation or in other languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation or in foreign languages, and also except for the cases if the use of vocabulary not corresponding to the norms of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation is an integral part of the artistic concept;

10) in advertising;

11) in other spheres determined by federal laws.

2. In the cases of the use in the spheres indicated in Item 1 of this Article, along with the state language of the Russian Federation, of the state language of a constituent republic of the Russian Federation, or of other languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation or of a foreign language, the texts in Russian and in the state language of the constituent republic of the Russian Federation, or in other languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation or in the foreign language, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, must be identical in content and technical design and legible, the sound information (including in audio and audiovisual materials, television and radio programmes) in Russian and said information in the state language of the constituent republic of the Russian Federation or in other languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation or in the foreign language, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, must also be identical in content, sounding and methods of transfer.

3. The provisions of Item 2 of this Article shall not apply to firm names, trademarks, service marks, and also to television and radio programmes, audio and audiovisual materials, or print publications designed for teaching the state languages of the constituent republics of the Russian Federation or other languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation or foreign languages.

Кончил в тело-гуляй смело (Народная мудрость).
Чем больше выпьет комсомолец, тем меньше выпьет хулиган.
Кто не ведал мук похмелья, тот не знает вкус воды!

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* Федеральный закон от 1 июня 2005 г. N 53-ФЗ  Aybolit    02/08/2005 11:40:09 
. * * Re: А че в купи-продай спрашиваете?  DuploDoc    02/08/2005 15:45:13 
. * * спасибо большое ! (-)  Aybolit    03/08/2005 11:02:05 

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