На форуме: 23 г 181 д(с 13/09/2001)
Тем: 192 Сообщений: 938 Флеймы: 51 (5,4%)
Всего отчетов: 5 Москва и область: 5 |
Гео: Престольная наша столица
Ребятушки, может по Ганноверу чего наскрЕБЁте?

На форуме: 23 г 44 д(с 28/01/2002)
Тем: 516 Сообщений: 2245 Флеймы: 271 (12%)
Всего отчетов: 50 Москва и область: 50 |
Гео: Москва
...но довелось мне побывать в борделях Мюнхена и Вены. На экзотику, блин, потянуло.
А кроме того с другом говорил, который в Гамбурге был. Так вот, ИМХО, что Ганновер, что Габмург или Мюнхен - не велика разница, а коли так, что только бабки зря просадишь.
Конечно, на вид там все супер и внешне их феи на 5+++, но по отношению это просто машины бездушные. Любая московская "цифра" им сто очков вперед даст. Цены там немаленькие, а расчетный период у них - 20 минут, сам прикинь, на что это рассчитано. И кроме того за любой "чих", типа позу поменять или просто ногу поднять доплачивать надо.
Вобщем я теперь там в бордели н ногой.
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На форуме: 23 г 44 д(с 28/01/2002)
Тем: 516 Сообщений: 2245 Флеймы: 271 (12%)
Всего отчетов: 50 Москва и область: 50 |
Гео: Москва
Escort Reviews:
Hannover Escort Review Dated Added: 2000-09-12 Submitted by: Anon
- As I have been to Hanover several times over the last years, I unfortunately got to tell you that the once extraordinary good service has lost some of its quality.
Ludwigstrasse: Girls here are usually more expensive and most of them will try to get you into the room and then to negotiate again about the price - when you are already naked and after you already paid 10 marks "for the room". Before the Expo (World Exposition) started, the first house on the right always was good for a ride. Most of the girls were Polish or Russian. These girls were nice and did a good service for 50 to 100 marks.
Do not even think of trying one of the black girls on the right hand side round the corner (no cars allowed there). These girls are obviously forced to do their job. They are beautiful - but they do not at all enjoy their job and will try to let you think that you fuck them - while you only fuck their hand...
Steintor (Scholvinstrasse, Reitwall...) Very different levels of service and prices there. The price depends on the house and the nationality. German girls there cost up from 100 marks for 15 minutes with blowjob and fucking in two positions. Polish and Russian girls may start at 70 marks, while Thais cost 50 marks. Black girls start at 30 marks and work in horrible, dirty houses and rooms. Best value for money normally was to have a beautiful Thai as they are friendly and normally did a very good job.
Braunstrasse (Goetheplatz) Just after Goetheplatz, in direction of "Linden", there is Braunstrasse. Just some thirty metres after the Goetheplatz, you should enter an entry to a backyard of a house on the right, having a brown door. There you will find two houses. In these houses there are many girls of various nationalities. Prices for b/j and fucking in 2 positions start at 70 marks for a German girl - and the service will normally be at least as good as at Steintor.
After my last experiences during Expo, unfortunately I can't tell anybody to visit the girls in Hanover. They just want to get the money - but they don't work anymore. Earlier, only in Ludwigstrasse and some of the German girls did this, but now even a Thai did a bad service to me. She obviously did not enjoy to fuck and always put her hand between her pussy and me so I couldn't get totally into her, just some centimetres. At Ludwigstrasse, even in the first house a German hooker got my money without doing anything else than a blowjob, which was not even very good.
By the way: Anal sex you will maybe get for 200 marks if you go in one of the Thai houses, but normally they won't do a good job even if she told you to do so and even though the amount of 200 marks is forth of what they normally get. Nevertheless, once I fucked one of the girls heavily in her ass and it was a great ride ! So good luck if you try.
But you should wait until after the Expo, when they see that they have got to treat their customers nice again because otherwise they won't come back.
It's a pity, but the two places in Scholvinstrasse where it was possible to walk into a cabin, throw 5 marks into the slot and see beautiful girls fingering themselves or a couple making live sex while you take out you dick and jerk of without anybody seeing anything else than your face behind a window have changed. One has become some kind of bar where you have to pay 20 marks to get in there and I think that you will also have to drink something there. Definitely, you won't have the possibility to be on your own as you watch the action. The other place has moved and has again the cabins - but now the guys on the other side of the girl can see you in total through the window, and the cabins don't have a door. So it's not really the place to take out your dick.
It's a pity, I liked that. Sometimes I even spent more money for the cabins than for sex with a girl. So - that's all about Hanover for now. See you. (Review # 2372)
Hannover Travel Report Dated Added: 1999-04-20 Submitted by: Mr Big
->Reitwall Strasse / Scholvin Strasse:
>I know there is a certain Ludwig strasse behind the station but I went
>there at lunch time once and there was nobody.
>The above are quite interesting places.
>In Reitwall strasse, the first sex building on the right. I have a
>couple of recommendations:
>2 floor at the end of the corridor on the right hand side. Her room is
>always lit like a Christmas tree. Can't remember her name, Colombian,
>wonderful butt, not very nice face, small cups. I spoke Spanish and
>apparently I had a more sympathetic approach. For 50 DM you can have a
>suck and fuck. First she washes your dick then she hoovers it without
>condom for some 5 minutes!! Then she flipped the rubber bag on and I
>took her from behind. Great ass, I was so excited that I tried to sink
>it in her ass: noooo-way!! She started yelling, that was not considered.
>It started great, it finished bad.
>Same building first floor, in front of the entrance to the main
>corridor. Small, flat stomach, nice ass, small cups, German, dark read
>hair, lovely smile: scarce fuck. Forget her!
>Same building third floor main corridor, third door on the left. Can't
>remember her name. Nice, blond 1.75 cm height. Blonde, nice ass, shaved
>pussy, firm big tits: Polish from Cruzow, about 22 y.o.. Speaks German,
>Russian and Polish and I had tough times to communicate. Not great
>skills, compensated by an unbelievable beauty. For 50 DM you can ride
>her in one single position. You can change position and get a BJ for 100
>DM. I went there three times (and tomorrow I am in Hannover again). I
>put her on me for a wild rodeo. I sucked her tits and fondled my hands
>Then we changed position (for free) and I pumped her hard, her wobbling
>boobs with perky nipples still make my head reeling!!
>Great! Hope she is there tomorrow night (she starts at 7 p.m.
>generally). .....
>Thai Houses.
>Average girls. Once I had a Thai recipes desire and I spent 100 DM with
>a big boobbed (implants) Thai girl. Got a pleasant suck, fucked her
>fast, then massage and then anal. Was nice and great deal (45 mins)
>You have plenty of reasons to enjoy Hannover .....
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На форуме: 23 г 43 д(с 29/01/2002)
Тем: 300 Сообщений: 2375 Флеймы: 653 (27%)
Всего отчетов: 29 Москва и область: 24 Регионы: 5 |
Гео: 77 регион
Выходишь из главного вокзала налево, идешь вдоль линии по небольшой улочке в сторону запада. Через 300-400 метров попадаешь на небольшую площадь. Ошибиться невозможно: яркие, зовущие вывески. Сам внутри не был, но заведений не менее десятка, работают с 15-17 часов. Кстати, до Гамбурга ехать всего 45 минут, а уж там выбор куда больше. И еще - будь осторожен. У меня в Кельне "увели" бумажник.
Счастливой поездки.
Приходя не радуйся, уходя не грусти |
На форуме: 23 г 181 д(с 13/09/2001)
Тем: 192 Сообщений: 938 Флеймы: 51 (5,4%)
Всего отчетов: 5 Москва и область: 5 |
Гео: Престольная наша столица
На счет Кельна я прочитал. Сочувствую! Еще хотел уточнить на счет Гамбурга. Буду там всего 1 день. Друганы мне сказали, что произнеси "Риппербан"(не уверен в правильности записи этого слова) и тебе покажут местную улицу "красных фонарей". Так ли это?

На форуме: 23 г 44 д(с 28/01/2002)
Тем: 516 Сообщений: 2245 Флеймы: 271 (12%)
Всего отчетов: 50 Москва и область: 50 |
Гео: Москва
Если не лень - глянь сюда
Тут про все города есть... и про Гамбург тоже.
Удачной поездки
Сокращайте фразу до размера мысли... |
На форуме: 23 г 43 д(с 29/01/2002)
Тем: 300 Сообщений: 2375 Флеймы: 653 (27%)
Всего отчетов: 29 Москва и область: 24 Регионы: 5 |
Гео: 77 регион
Насчет Гамбурга, все абсолютно правильно.
Только,учти, на 70% все тамошние заведения занимаются грубой "разводкой". Конечно не так нагло и дорого как на Кипре, но все-таки.
Кстати там-же есть улочка (не помею названия) с витринами за которыми сидят феи. Их конечно поменьше, чем в Амстердаме, зато качество лучше.
Приходя не радуйся, уходя не грусти |
На форуме: 24 г 214 д(с 11/08/2000)
Тем: 257 Сообщений: 949 Флеймы: 42 (4,4%)
Всего отчетов: 8 Москва и область: 8 |
Гео: масква
клуб название кажись "Афродита"**** - год назад там можна было неплохих фей склеить за бундесмарки ( one fuck - 200 - 300 бундесмарок)
под Гамбургом ( около 20 км) тоже есть клуб название "69"**, там голимые девахи из восточной европы трутся/ прутся по 150 марок часа на 2.