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На форуме: 24 г 61 д
(с 20/07/2000)

Тем: 20
Сообщений: 131

Всего отчетов: 5
Москва и область: 5

Гео: Москва
Re: NightFlight is the logical choice! [ #5415 ]
      04/08/2000 11:55:26

Cheers: If you're willing to do a little bottom feeding (which is still better than anything you'll get in your sexless Western homeland), girls can be chatted down to a single Ben Franklin! Hey, is this crisis great or what?! Night FLight is one place not hurting from the crisis: packed wall-to-wall with respectable expat businessmen and, er friendly as heck working girls. They have a sign at Sheremetyevo that says "Do It Tonight!" Sexy whores, and no shame in showing your face. Prices are negotiable, and the selection is top-notch. THE favored place for married men on business trips to visit--many have given this place a "two wedding rings up!" Don't pay more than $150 for a night of sex, and don't let your "date" touch your drink.

Jeers: Tiny dancefloor means you just cut straight to the negotiations. If you bump into your boss, just say that you've come for the food [sic].

Cover:120.000 rubles
Address:Ul. Tverskaya 17
Hours:Club 21.00-5.00, Restaurant 12.00-4.

The rest about these clubs is



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* English  Anonymous    04/08/2000 07:19:01 
. * * The url is www.nightflight.ru  Kabalero    04/08/2000 13:51:21 
. * * Re: English  Anonymous    04/08/2000 13:09:46 
. * * NightFlight is the logical choice!  Kabalero    04/08/2000 10:28:36 
. * * Re: NightFlight is the logical choice!  stallion    04/08/2000 11:55:26 
. * * Н у чувак и дату выбрал....  Anonymous    04/08/2000 10:16:39 
. * * Also note that...(+)  stallion    04/08/2000 09:25:24 
. * * Re: English  KvakinM    04/08/2000 07:34:02 

Дополнительная информация:
Модератор(ы):  crazysm, gorge, Izya_potz, Редактор отчетов, Совет Модераторов, ЮристЪ 

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